
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Indoor ABC Egg Hunt

This time of year, I think we're all ready for spring. On warmer days, we've been venturing outside, but on colder days, we're always sorry to be stuck inside. To break up the tired winter routine, we hatched an indoor ABC egg hunt. Our egg hunt was a week ago, and the kids are still talking about how much fun we had. We'll be repeating this one for sure.

What You'll Need

  • A set of letters to fit inside your eggs (We used our Leapfrog refrigerator magnet set, but they were just slightly too large for the eggs. Consequently, we used tape to keep some of our eggs closed, as you see in the photograph below. If you don't have a similar set of letters, you could always write out the letters or print the letters out on paper and then cut them out.)
  • 26 plastic Easter eggs
  • A chalkboard and chalk, a dry erase board and markers, or even a piece of paper large enough to write out all the letters of the alphabet 

How to Play
  1. Check to make sure that you have all of your alphabet magnets, and make a note of any missing letters. (Our X is in pink on the chalkboard because it was missing on the day of our egg hunt. Knowing we didn't have it in the first place kept us from searching endlessly for it.)
  2. Have the kids help you place one letter in each egg. 
  3. Write out the alphabet on your chalkboard/dry erase board/paper. Be sure to use capital letters for early learners and lower case letters for more advanced alphabet learners.

4. Instruct the kids to hide in their bedrooms until you have hidden all of the eggs.
5. Hide the eggs in fairly obvious places around 2-3 rooms.
6. Tell the kids which rooms to look in, and tell them to bring the eggs to you when they find them. (one at a time)
7. When a child brings an egg to you, ask him/her to identify the letter inside the egg. Then ask him/her to find the same letter on the chalkboard.
8. When the child finds the letter on the chalkboard, cross it off. 
9. When all of the letters have been crossed off, you'll know that all of the eggs have been found. 

**One additional tip: I kept clean up to a minimum by putting the eggs and letter magnets back into their respective bags as the kids found them and we crossed them off our board. 
**Oh, and see how I wrote my Z on the chalkboard with the slash? It's an old habit, and I didn't even realize I'd done it until Veda was utterly confused by it. So, yeah, no slashes through Z. 

We hope that you have as much fun with your egg hunt as we did!

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