
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November Challenge: Reflection

This month's challenge wasn't exactly a failure, but it wasn't much of a success either.

If you're just tuning in, I set out to create a price book in November. A price book is a list of items a family buys and the quantity, price, and unit price of those items. It can be a great budgeting tool if it's used to determine which store has the best deal on a needed item, to use as comparison to a sales circular to see if a "sale" is worth shopping, or to have a database that can help with prioritizing the shopping list on tight money weeks.

What I once could have tackled in a couple of weekends turned out to be too big a job for just one month. I've got about 15 rows filled out on my price book chart. Yeah, that's as far as I got. We're at a grabby, don't wanna sit in the stroller sort of stage, but I do plan to gradually add to the price book. It'll be an ongoing process.

This month's challenge is a good example of the need to be flexible. I set a goal, it didn't work out like I imagined it might, and I'm readjusting. No biggie.

If any readers out there have created a price book, I'd be interested in hearing about your experience.

Tomorrow I'll post December's Challenge. I think it's one we can ALL relate to.
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